Thursday, September 30, 2010

Some Final Thoughts on Screen Play and Iconic Literacy: Ideas for Raising My Own Children

Christina is the author of our third and final entry on chapter 3. You'll see that, like our two previous authors, she has expressed her opinions on a number of topics presented by Elkind. Happy reading!

Take a second and ask your parents and/or grandparents the activities they did when they were little kids. Now ask a child today what their favorite thing to do with their free time is, and you will be surprised to find how it has changed through generations. David Elkind believes children spend a lot more time with sedentary screen play than playing outdoors like they used to in past times.

When I was a little girl, I remember playing many outdoor games with the neighborhood kids. Every kid around the block would come to our front yard and we would play freeze tag, baseball, and four square. Now, I look at my little cousins and I see them always playing inside with their video games. The sad thing is that I now join them instead of showing them other social alternatives that can be fun for them to do. Elkind reported that two-thirds of children who are two years old or less, "use some kind of screen media" (p.43).

While reading, I became interested in how parents expect young children to learn
from television shows like Baby Einstein when their visual systems are not fully developed. An infant spends most of his time sleeping, so I agree with Elkind that “It is vitally important that they spend most of their waking time actively relating to caregivers and exploring their sensory world through active play” (p.45). I feel they should be encouraged to play and explore basic concepts before putting them in front of television to learn. I don’t necessarily mean that all infant television shows are bad for kids, but that parents should moderate the amount of programming the infant gets.

One of the largest marketers of educational media for children and infants is Leapfrog Products. Things like this make me feel that parents buy computer toys to keep their little ones occupied instead of spending time with them. For example, instead of having Leapfrog teach kids learn how to count, parents can do the same by letting them see visuals that allow them to further explore their other senses, and have the child count aloud with them.

The chapter continues to give examples of learning programs that are given to young infants, and suggests how they should be limited. After reading this chapter, I have realized how important it is to give infants the right type of play and learning materials. I know that not all computer/television learning programs are bad, but that people have to pay attention to how much is being shown to children. One positive thing that Elkind mentions is “From a theory of play perspective, computer games allow for student input (play), challenge and excitement (love), and learning about the world (work)” (pg.59). I never really paid much attention to how all these three can come from one single thing and make such a big difference to a growing child.

Unfortunately, entertainment media has become such a big part in a child’s life that sometimes parents forget and it becomes a misuse of technology. I believe parents just need to become aware and choose programs that will benefit their children’s learning. Over all, this book has not only taught me about becoming aware of what children learn from, but also to take into consideration the different ways our kids can have fun in a more beneficial manner. I have been inspired once again from a book that leads me to an idea about how I want to raise my own kids when the right time comes.


  1. I appreciate your thoughts about the apparent decrease in children's outdoor play. In my hometown, my friends and I spent almost every afternoon on the courthouse lawn in the middle of town. We played games there, like Tag and Kick the Can, and I have many memories of great times there. Now when I spend time at home, I rarely - if ever - see children on the courthouse lawn. And it's still a great lawn! :)

  2. I am so glad that you and Elkind talked about those LeapFrog games, and have to agree with you; LeapFrog games are just an excuse not to read to children. Learning to read and count should also be a time for social and emotional growth. I remember when I was young, my mother primarily taught me how to read. Sitting in my mother's lap and receiving that one-on-one attention from her was very special to me. We bonded so much during those times. It makes me sad that children are being robbed of those moments.

    Kathleen Campagna

  3. Hi Christina. After reading your post I asked my Mother, “What was your favorite activity to do when you were younger?” She said, “Riding bikes and painting.” Then I asked my niece the same question and she said, “My favorite thing to do is play computer games.” It also became so clear to me how things have changed over generations. My favorite thing to do when I was younger was play outside. I still very much enjoy being outside. I liked what you had to say about the parent teaching the child, the child can learn more this way compared to what a computer can teach the child. They would not only get to see visuals but interact with them. I can relate to you about how you find it interesting learning about new ideas in raising children. I hope I remember everything I’m learning now for when I become a Mother. Enjoyed your post.
    -Stefani Ross

  4. Christina,

    The way you spoke about "Baby Einstein" and infant television shows reminded me of a part in the book where Elkind discussed the infant television show "Teletubbies." I have watched this show (with small children, not by myself) on a few different occasions. Each time I have seen it, I found myself very puzzled and asked, "How in the world is this teaching children anything?!" I was pleased to discover that Elkind is not in favor of this program. The self-directed and self-initiated learning that infants should be engrossed in is completely absent while they view this program. The co-producer of "Teletubbies" states that infants' self-confidence and self-esteem will elevate, but I don't see how can this be possible when "self-confidence and self-esteem require a sense of self that the infant has not yet constructed..." (p. 45)

    I really agree with your thought about how young children should be given the opportunity to explore basic concepts before they are just sat in front of a television or computer screen. In my opinion, children are playing way too many video and computer games and watching way too many television programs (that aren't even beneficial for them!). I remember as a child always loving the opportunity to go outside and play on the grass, sand, blacktop, etc. I wish contemporary children could see how great and fun being outdoors is.

    Kristin Livanis
